Friday, 7 March 2025

Lovey Dovey II

 Them: but they are all too lovey dovey, aren't they

Me: errr

Enjoying Newtopia inmensly. I don't know what that says about me but I am past caring. Happy Friday, earthlings 

Thursday, 27 February 2025



"Happiness was not freedom from chains but release from chains. Chains were an indispensable part of happiness!" 

 네 ...  네 

Sunday, 23 February 2025



... keep on happening... 

my colleague, with whom I play lotto every now and then, has just shown me his numbers for Friday the 13th of December. Basically every one of the numbers he chose is one digit either short  or over the winning one, every single number is one digit short (the first row on the picture is the winning numbers, the second row is his first game which was well off the mark but the third row under that one is the shocking one) I feel like crying. Surprisingly he's still smiling. What an outstanding human being.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Zzzzzzzz and a stranger at the shop.

 Nothing like falling in bed

After a day like today.  

Ps- strange things are happening . Smiling 

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Close Your Eyes and Listen

He asked me to sit on his bed,  my dad, the night I nearly lost my virginity. He closed the door behind him,  turned the light off,  and sat beside me saying "I want you to listen to something", and pushed the play button on  the tape recorder. 
I recognised the song at once . "I know Riders on the Storm papa" I protested,  impatient to nearly lose my virginity. He made me shut up at once. "I said really listen. Close your eyes."
I did as I was told, on a hurry  to go and spend my first night with a boy.
That night the boy left me hanging but my father gave me the most precious present of all.

I realise tonight I had forgotten how to listen, really listen, for far too long. Time to press the play button

PS - thank you "firend", for helping me really listen again. Isn't it amazing? as of 2024 we were 8.2 billion human beings in this planet but you decided to get soaked just to meet me.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025



When the customer is throwing a huge tantrum over the phone unaware your brain is riding harleys in hawaii 

Saturday, 8 February 2025



U-huh ... this is where I draw a line. Come on people, can't you see this is wrong and why? seriously? does it need explanation?  Will we end up enjoying only the Telettubies so nobody gets offended?  Do you really not see how against the rights of LGBT or any other group or individual this goes? The more they (whoever they are) push with stupidity of this caliber the more conservative people will think Liberals are imbeciles and hate  us for it. Wake up.. not woke... AWAKE PLEASE... if you did study any history at all, remember the history behind "divide and conquer'  at least until they tell you that too is a conspiracy theory and never happened *rolls eyes*