Wednesday, 25 September 2019


... you have lived in the UK for too long when you Google as follows: 
"Best novels 1920s, please"

Friday, 20 September 2019


I am the kind of woman stupid enough to make a photocopy of her breasts at work only to worry afterwards about the consequences to one's health of taking photocopies of one's breasts. 
I seriously need to consider growing up soon... 

Also stupid enough to publish these things on my personal blog.

the fact that I am stupid enough to do such things does not mean I have done them or will do them in the future.
Though it doesn't mean either I am not capable of worse. 
I better try to get some sleep again...

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Sunday, 15 September 2019


When you walk down the road and realise this world looks an awful more unreal - defragmented even - than your virtual one.


There is a point during takeoff when the pilot has no option but to go ahead, never mind if both engines are on fire. The point of no return, for real. The aircraft has gained enough speed for take-off and trying to do anything other is simply not viable.
My point of no return happened on an 18th of May, 1995 to be exact. Everything after that has been a slow descent into the abyss.
Some call it life. 

Friday, 13 September 2019


5 Days out of work
18-year-old daughter
no sleep AT ALL last night 
haven't done shit all, all day other than enjoying myself from the discomfort of my viral condition
daughter just went out to celebrate with friends ("don't overdo it woman!" "I won't. Can I have my passport please?" "O_o"))
so what, SO WHAT?
if tomorrow wakes up without us at least you can rest assured our last hours in this earth were AWESOME.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019


18 years ago today, as the world fought to understand the significance of one of the worst fuck-ups in human history I struggled to bring you to this Earth. Hours I spent monopolizing that hospital bath, thinking I was about to die. But hey! ... I would do it all over again little pea, a million times. I only wish you knew you are one of those amazing miracles you don't believe in. 

And if everything fails, now we can get pissed together and put the world to rights right by the bar of a watering hole! 

put the music back on babe


As I read the masterpiece that is A Passage to India I wonder how it is possible for such a serious theme to read so funny.
Who doesn't love twentieth-century literature hasn't read enough...

Tuesday, 10 September 2019


Yes, I am seriously wrapped up in a sleeping bag. Sharing bed this time ... with an almighty virus from hell.
Thank God for hot choccie with marshmallows !!

Sunday, 8 September 2019


So, instead of opening the Bible in any odd page and check what the ancients had to tell me for today, I have the idea of asking Youtube, moving with the times and that...
and what's the first video it spits back at me? :

Alber Cummings - LONELY BED - uploaded to Youtube by Don's Tunes

/Lu closes the broswer before the song is finished, shakes her head and goes back to the Bible

Friday, 6 September 2019


Tom Waits - Hope I don't  fall in Love with You

It's Friday people, at least for most of you.
Make it count.

It's freezing this morning in my room, I think I will make Autumn wait by staying in this bed a little longer today.

Thursday, 5 September 2019


I show you mine if you show me yours (chains)
but for now, it's breakfast in Tiffany's errr. wrong movie. In Berlin 29!!
Good day, humanoids.