Friday, 4 December 2020


I have never been asked to "confirm humanity" until today. I am not sure I can at this moment in time. At the moment the only nomenclature I seem to fit for others is that of conspiratory theorist or simply crazy.
Maybe when all this Covid stupidness ends, and only if it doesn't involve allowing anyone to inject me any experimental medicine/vaccine.

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Sure Sure

Semen Up - LO ESTAS HACIENDO MUY BIEN - uploaded by Nuevos Medios

Conflict of interest row as it emerges Chief Scientific Officer Sir Patrick Vallance has £600,000 of shares in vaccine maker contracted to make UK's coronavirus jabs

 ByRoss Ibbetson for MAILONLINE 24, Sept 2020 

PS / and yes, of course. This doesn't prove a thing. If I had millions to spare, I would probably also invest heavily in such a thing. But hey - considering the seriousness of the matter and the increasing mistrust in the Estate and its "experts"- would you choose a guy like this - there's more than just his shares, do your homework - . 

 PSS/ no wonder they are closing cinemas now, there's no need to pay 15 quid to watch a bad movie these days. 


- sick with corona (confirmed) around me since day 1 : remain as 1
- sick with corona (unconfirmed) around me since day 1 : God knows since even headache is a symptom.
- dead FROM corona (unconfirmed) around me since day 1: 0
- wrongly confirmed as dead FROM corona around me since day 1 (after an autopsy by request): 1 

ADHD coffee


When you add cumin instead of cinnamon to your latte...

Sunday, 4 October 2020

ADHD - keys

 A  ----> Able

D -----> to Displace

H -----> the Home keys

D -----> fifteen hundred times a DAY (for real)

Tuesday, 29 September 2020



Dr Schonning dared to speak against the use our governments are making of the COVID-19 fiasco (he was seized at Speaker's Corner's of all places, the irony!)

He was detained without charges for 22 hours, his computer, mobile phone, and a book about the virus confiscated.

Are you scared of COVID? Wait to see see what our lives look like in another five years - if you don't know what I mean just read 1984, or A Brave New World it'll give you a good idea, we are halfway there.

UPDATE: and of course... the video/account got deleted because all this is just about a virus and we have nothing else to worry about - what a freaking disgrace.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, March 4, 1933—Inaugural address

Thursday, 7 May 2020


Well... well. 
I mean... 
Nothing makes much sense anymore if it ever made any.
We fucked up. We've been fucking up pretty much since the beginning and now increasingly so.
So this virus came out of ... errrr ... a market 200 meters away from a laboratory that was coincidentally experimenting with a PATENTED version of THIS virus. Yes. Humans now patent anything it seems, if they want to work on it, and obviously, we wanted to work on this beasty. And the beasty broke free, or flew free, or crawled free. 
Just after, the head of chemistry at Harvard University (Charles Lieber) was done for spying for China. Providing samples apparently. In fact with this same laboratory. Oh ... hang on... apparently, he had made up he was a spy to recruit foreign students, O_o (seems Harvard has to use extreme measures to recruit students these days, it used to be the other way round).
But they are all coincidences people... in Reality, the COVID version many of us are sharing bodies with comes from the market even though it is proven it cannot be passed through eating. They cannot even tell us which animal could have kindly given it to us.
Because coincidences happen to us all and to not believe in them make us into crazy conspiracy theorists, right? Right? WRONG.
 Try and use that one when you get sick on the busiest day at work, see what they tell you in the office. It seems debts and coincidences get forgiven only when they happen to the big fish, and by the big fish my friends I mean the BIG FISH. Don' t hallucinate, your manager is as much a fucking sardine as you are. 

But 3 good things about the Plandemic (leave me alone spellchecker, that one is all on me) :

1/ a lot of "new" vocabulary is commonplace my friends, great for writers! I mean... self-isolation, quarantine, VIRAL LOAD (I MEAN ... REALLY!! apparently the more zombies you meet on the way, the more zombified you get. Reality surpasses fiction once again:); COVID 19; FP2...

2/ people have suddenly become bloody genius!!! You should see the creativity around the freaking virus. I get an average of 10 memes per minute, and each is better than the last. Even my brain is coming up with shit I wish it had come up with when I was writing fiction. Maybe another symptom of this virus? - don't let me get into that or this will exceed the word count of the Don Quijote -. 

3/ we don't look anywhere else!!! Oh yeah... while we are all nice and worried about the freaking virus we don't realize the 5G they are sticking up our asses, the wars growing like mushrooms everywhere, the poverty and death the new economic crisis is going to exacerbate, the catastrophic results of global warming (another conspiracy theory that came and bit us in the ass eventually) the anti-democratic measures our governments are taking to "protect us from it", the suicide, alcoholism and domestic violence peak we have reached thanks to lockdowns, and will later forget to throw away, oh the list is endless...

So what now? I have no idea. Ask Nostradamus. But at the very least I have come to an outstanding discovery and that without leaving my flat:
You know the Chinese have always believed that the body is all connected? That some meridians run through it, connecting feet ears interior organs with each other? I have just proven them right.  As my daughter enlightened me by telling me Budweiser bottles are now twist-offable, and I attempted to twist one open, the funny pain I got in my hand in doing so teleported itself all the way to my ass. I swear I had this funny sensation down there... I had to stop twisting the thingy off and use a tea-towel to stop the tickles in my rear!
Quite remarkable scientific discovery to come to during isolation in the ass of the world, I should think - no pun intended O_o - . 
Anyway, my dears, I better rest my hands, after all, who knows what's waiting around the corner? A mega-meteorite? an alien invasion? An honest government? 

If they use all this in a movie nobody would have swollowed it.

Stay safe... from our governements.

Lulu Nearly Somewhere

Thursday, 12 March 2020


CORONA is here, of course it is. They were telling us something like this was coming for years. Funny how in spite of this they have done nothing to prevent the damage. Funny also, how people have decided to finish with the pasta and other bits and pieces so they don't run out of pasta and other bits and pieces O_o.
I don't give a fig about a virus, but oh Lord should the shops run out of toilet paper...  

In the meantime, my flat has been invaded by teen-tosterone. A concerto of "fuckings" in my living room that makes thinking - not to talk of writing - complicated as they beat each other at the x-box. 

/Lu runs to find some earplugs, hopefully, people haven't decided to fight the virus by panic-shopping for those too.

Sunday, 8 March 2020


When your colleagues catch you trying to open the door by swiping your access card all over the new sanitizer gel dispenser instead of the reader