Sunday, 11 October 2020

Sure Sure

Semen Up - LO ESTAS HACIENDO MUY BIEN - uploaded by Nuevos Medios

Conflict of interest row as it emerges Chief Scientific Officer Sir Patrick Vallance has £600,000 of shares in vaccine maker contracted to make UK's coronavirus jabs

 ByRoss Ibbetson for MAILONLINE 24, Sept 2020 

PS / and yes, of course. This doesn't prove a thing. If I had millions to spare, I would probably also invest heavily in such a thing. But hey - considering the seriousness of the matter and the increasing mistrust in the Estate and its "experts"- would you choose a guy like this - there's more than just his shares, do your homework - . 

 PSS/ no wonder they are closing cinemas now, there's no need to pay 15 quid to watch a bad movie these days. 


- sick with corona (confirmed) around me since day 1 : remain as 1
- sick with corona (unconfirmed) around me since day 1 : God knows since even headache is a symptom.
- dead FROM corona (unconfirmed) around me since day 1: 0
- wrongly confirmed as dead FROM corona around me since day 1 (after an autopsy by request): 1 

ADHD coffee


When you add cumin instead of cinnamon to your latte...

Sunday, 4 October 2020

ADHD - keys

 A  ----> Able

D -----> to Displace

H -----> the Home keys

D -----> fifteen hundred times a DAY (for real)