As an anonymous wise man said, the meaning of "Conspiracy Theory" is getting closer and closer to that of "spoiler alert".
one year ago, Dr Mengele.... Fauci so sorry:
this month
and the most important in which we see how Dr Meng... Fauci, sorry—knowingly lied to us all and the scientific community about what he knew about the origins of the virus:
And what did Dr.... Fauci! have to say about it all?:
oh! no wrong lie, so sorry. It will do, same old same old.
Dancing in the Moonlight uploaded by KingHarvestMusic to Youtube
And in the sunshine, and in the river and in the restaurants and in the kitchen and in the living room and... yes... this Summer is certainly better than the last one.
I could have ended up in the bottom on the Miño when my companions decided to let me dive in this state
(thank you for such a faithful portrait, Dim. Did you place hidden cameras or something :P??)
((This post I wrote in August 2019. I never got to publish it. That summer I let my hair down in a way I hadn't done for at least 20 years. I didn't know why I just realised suddenly how precious and how delicate life is and didn't want to waste a single drop of it. The winter before I got this odd feeling something awful was about to happen. The hair at the back of my neck would stand without reason over and over. I had nearly forgotten about it when in January I started reading about a certain virus. No need to tell the rest of the story.
Now I understand what happened to me that summer. There is a possibility I will not see another summer like that one. Right now I sit in my flat on my third day of another holiday at home as I cannot risk being unpaid for weeks should anything go awry on my way back. Well, sitting... sitting... I have an hour to get ready before meeting some friends to go out while the "antivaxers" (how these fuckers love labels, my goodness, if life was that simple...) are allowed in public places.
Enjoy the new "abnormal", I am very much afraid it is here to stay. Apparently, they are now trying PCR-like tests for influenza—Happy-ish summer folks))