Wednesday, 24 January 2024


 ... a song for World War III that apparently is coming, because our leaders are as deranged as to go to war with the likes of Russia. God, if you are out there, nuke only the leaders thank you. And the rest of us, put the volume up and dance no matter what, for however long they let us.

oh, the song was recommended by Tae-hyung (V) from BTS. The boy has  taste !  Hope he is surviving his military service OK and that he doesn't have to use what he is learning when he is done. Poor guys, what a moment to be young. 

Tuesday, 23 January 2024



How can so many live a lukewarm life in a universe born to an explosion? 

Beats me.

Maybe I am just jealous

Be well, world.

Friday, 19 January 2024




created with MS DESIGNER that still struggles a little ... find the weirdness ...


Passed the pijamas barrier with yet another of Little Pea's friends. I tried not to, I swear, hid in my room since last night when they arrived together to drink some beers and watch some movies, all the way through the sleepless night (I didn't want to bother them) through the morning working a hellish job from my bedroom, trying to speak as softly as possible as to not wake them up. But right  now, I needed a beer too. Just that. No lunch, no crisps even, just a large, British size can of San Miguel. And by God, never before did a can of beer taste so sweet (I am a glass bottle type of drinker myself, but this can was something else, or I needed it something bad.) Little Pea told me off. Not for showing myself in this state to his male friend but for drinking beer during working hours to which I answered, it is surely during working hours that one needs to drink, to oblivion some of us (hey bosses, just kidding, remember? sense of humor? being a human being? you still have breathing employees unfortunately for you; try to keep it in mind. Don't worry AI robots are around the corner and then you will also lose your jobs, muahaha).

Anyway work is just work, doesn't matter one f... bit. I am here to help the customers, plenty of others are here to help themselves, so I'll let them be. Shame we forget we are all customers too, somewhere else.

But yes, I have shown my Pajamas secret identity to yet another young man who will suffer nightmares for the rest of his life as a result of it.

 Hope you are well, world. At least we are still breathing.

And if they come breathing that latest Chinese (my ass)  X desease anywhere near you tell them to fuck off, remember? like we used to do before the famous Covid. Fuck off. Virus (and my pajamas) are here to stay. We better remember how we used to live with them. 

 안녕히  <3 <3


Monday, 8 January 2024



Back in the office, it feels actually very very nice to be here and wearing actual clothes for a change. Lovely to see all these mad people again. 

Haven't had a smoke for over 16 hours (this time around is proving challenging). I was beginning to sound like an old locomotive specially when laughing which I do often. Still, I do love smoking so so much, since I was very little, why is everything nice so very bad for you?

Now to what matters, I urgently need all handsome single Korean men over 45 to concentrate nearby, first snow is expected to fall a little later today and, according to the weatherman, is going to be "significant" and we all know what that means - all Kdrama lovers that is - first snow, love love love, slipping, holding on to each other, first kiss, bladibladiblah. And for the record, I can already say "that fox's cucumber" and "I am not Brazilian" in Korean, so don't let communication issues concern you, you just worry about the kissing & holding, I'll do the rest.

So there. Hope to catch my very own handsome Kman later for kiss under first snow, that will certainly help me quit cigarettes at the very least.

Happy week, world, keep your brains ticking and do lots of kissing and laughing and all things sweet and funny. Oh, and happy New Year etc etc