Monday, 11 November 2019
When you press "print whole doc" instead of "print current document"...
Happy writing, people.
And to those who don't write... what are you waiting for?
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Yesterday, as we used to do every 5th of November, Little Pea and I watched Vendetta.
What did I remember the most from it? That ideas are bulletproof and that there is a face beneath this mask, but is not mine (so SL... ;)
What Little Pea remembered the most: that the lead female character had her hair shaved. Traumatic! In fact, that's the only thing she remembered. Funnily, Little Pea, had most of her own hair shaved only last week. Teens!
Moving forward, wouldn't this mask make an excellent second tattoo?
PS - I know. The movie is so much worse - and simple - than the comic book it originated from. Still damned enjoyable. Outstanding casting!
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
The problem with human beings is that they are being pulled in a million different directions by a million different drives. Lust, love, care, survival, need to be liked, fear to hurt others... PROPAGANDA
Freaking nightmare.
I am working my way back into the happiest of states: amoeba (one drive: food)
Friday, 1 November 2019
Life is so crazy this year I was sure I had missed Nanowrimo - since when does it happen in October?? - Anyway, IT'S HERE! And I am here with it, and the poster is the most awesome yet! And my novel too... ahem It has to be.
At last, I can dedicate days to writing it again.
MAY THE FORCE BE WITH ME ... AND THE TIPS OF MY FINGERS! (that sounds so bad, apologies)
At last, I can dedicate days to writing it again.
MAY THE FORCE BE WITH ME ... AND THE TIPS OF MY FINGERS! (that sounds so bad, apologies)
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Friday, 18 October 2019
Still singing but like when we played vynil records at the wrong revolutions O_o.
Cannot wait to hit the road, gorgeous...
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Charlie Worsham - I Hope I am Stoned
Getting ready for my second marathon day.
3 Days a week shift, 13 hours a day (and an hour break somewhere in the middle)
I don't remember when was the last time I went to work smiling and what is more shocking : came back singing and laughing to myself.
Let's see how I feel tomorrow...
I've been thinking about your question, flyboy.
No... I wasn't! But from next week I will - write full time.
what a feeling.
Go enjoy the day beautiful people.
Sunday, 13 October 2019
So Anita and I realise there is nothing we can do to be happy in the company we work for. Unfortunately, we work in the finance sector but what we would really enjoy doing is making people laugh.
Before we leave the restaurant, our waitress comes to me and whispers: "can I tell you something?"
Naturally, I say yes, intrigued.
"You are terribly funny." She says.
... mision cumplida, Anita.
I storm out of the bathroom without looking back.
I sit on the sofa, wondering what the fuck I was thinking when I thought myself mature enough to bring a creature into this world.
"I do, know… do you know the balls it takes to know and not do anything?" I whisper in her ear when I return a moment later to her side.
To act and lose their trust so I cannot ever help them or to keep quiet and risk seeing them sinking?
right answer: DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN.
50 percent increase in teen depression in the past 6 years. 50 percent... buy yourself a dog. Nobody wants to come to this world anymore.
To act and lose their trust so I cannot ever help them or to keep quiet and risk seeing them sinking?
right answer: DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN.
50 percent increase in teen depression in the past 6 years. 50 percent... buy yourself a dog. Nobody wants to come to this world anymore.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
... you have lived in the UK for too long when you Google as follows:
"Best novels 1920s, please"
Friday, 20 September 2019
I am the kind of woman stupid enough to make a photocopy of her breasts at work only to worry afterwards about the consequences to one's health of taking photocopies of one's breasts.
I seriously need to consider growing up soon...
Also stupid enough to publish these things on my personal blog.
the fact that I am stupid enough to do such things does not mean I have done them or will do them in the future.
Though it doesn't mean either I am not capable of worse.
I better try to get some sleep again...
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Sunday, 15 September 2019
When you walk down the road and realise this world looks an awful more unreal - defragmented even - than your virtual one.
There is a point during takeoff when the pilot has no option but to go ahead, never mind if both engines are on fire. The point of no return, for real. The aircraft has gained enough speed for take-off and trying to do anything other is simply not viable.
My point of no return happened on an 18th of May, 1995 to be exact. Everything after that has been a slow descent into the abyss.
Some call it life.
Some call it life.
Friday, 13 September 2019
5 Days out of work
18-year-old daughter
no sleep AT ALL last night
haven't done shit all, all day other than enjoying myself from the discomfort of my viral condition
daughter just went out to celebrate with friends ("don't overdo it woman!" "I won't. Can I have my passport please?" "O_o"))
so what, SO WHAT?
if tomorrow wakes up without us at least you can rest assured our last hours in this earth were AWESOME.
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
18 years ago today, as the world fought to understand the significance of one of the worst fuck-ups in human history I struggled to bring you to this Earth. Hours I spent monopolizing that hospital bath, thinking I was about to die. But hey! ... I would do it all over again little pea, a million times. I only wish you knew you are one of those amazing miracles you don't believe in.
And if everything fails, now we can get pissed together and put the world to rights right by the bar of a watering hole!
put the music back on babe
And if everything fails, now we can get pissed together and put the world to rights right by the bar of a watering hole!
put the music back on babe
As I read the masterpiece that is A Passage to India I wonder how it is possible for such a serious theme to read so funny.
Who doesn't love twentieth-century literature hasn't read enough...
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Yes, I am seriously wrapped up in a sleeping bag. Sharing bed this time ... with an almighty virus from hell.
Thank God for hot choccie with marshmallows !!
Thank God for hot choccie with marshmallows !!
Sunday, 8 September 2019
So, instead of opening the Bible in any odd page and check what the ancients had to tell me for today, I have the idea of asking Youtube, moving with the times and that...
and what's the first video it spits back at me? :
and what's the first video it spits back at me? :
Alber Cummings - LONELY BED - uploaded to Youtube by Don's Tunes
/Lu closes the broswer before the song is finished, shakes her head and goes back to the Bible
Friday, 6 September 2019
Tom Waits - Hope I don't fall in Love with You
It's Friday people, at least for most of you.
Make it count.
It's freezing this morning in my room, I think I will make Autumn wait by staying in this bed a little longer today.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
but for now, it's breakfast in Tiffany's errr. wrong movie. In Berlin 29!!
Good day, humanoids.
Friday, 30 August 2019
Do you want to know what happens when your dog nearly dies after hours waiting for your breakdown assistance to turn up in a very hot country?
This happens, and I quote (the names are changed of course, except for "me". Please don't think us insensitive, in extremely stressful jobs such as emergency call centers it is quite common to slide into a comical conversation to try and mitigate the bad yuyus that arise sometimes) :
This happens, and I quote (the names are changed of course, except for "me". Please don't think us insensitive, in extremely stressful jobs such as emergency call centers it is quite common to slide into a comical conversation to try and mitigate the bad yuyus that arise sometimes) :
Sarita: "the guy had to perform CPR on the dog"
me: "Sorry ... the customer had to do CPR on their dog? how the heck do you do cpr on a dog?"
Fabian: "have you watched Something About Mary?"
Biggest Boss: "they didn't have to do cpr on the dog surely!!! how do you do cpr on a dog???"
Fabian: "have you watched Something about Mary?"
me: "I don't remember anyone carrying out cpr on a dog in Something About Mary???"
BIGGEST BOSS: "they didn't do cpr... the dog is staying with family!"
Sarita: "the dog is staying with its family???"
BIGGEST BOSS: "No! it was the wife"
me: "the dog's wife had CPR done on her???"
Fabian: "just watch Something About Mary and you will see how CPR is done with a dog!"
of course right then we had to check on youtube and sure enough:
It's Friday people!!!! have fun and for heaven's sake:
1/ don't travel with dogs around Europe in a car
2/ always take plenty of water and/or blankets in your cars if you do travel by car all over Europe
4/ if all else fails DO NOT CALL MY EXTENSION AT WORK, thank you very much <3
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Back in the UK.
and with the routine came back the washing up
and with the washing up came the watching movies
and with the first movie came the unpleasant realization that everyone screws everyone in French cinema
and with the realisation that everyone screws everyone in French cinema came the realization that everyone screws everyone everywhere
and with the realization that everyone screws everyone everywhere came the realization that I am definitely an oddball.
One universal secret has been obvious to me for decades: the grass is nearly never greener across the fence. in fact one's lawn gets greener the more one lies on it.
off to bed earthlings. happy dreaming.
Saturday, 24 August 2019
Uploaded by Herzath to YouTube
I haven't read a book, hardly written a line. I guess I am still in suspended animation.
I have laughed a lot though, kissed and hugged, slept eaten definitely drank - I guess ladies do drink when suspended in the air- danced and loved a lot. I even swam all the way to Portugal and back - apparently... I don't remember much *blush* -
And what is letf? A beautiful grandmother mirror and an early flight.
A long list of things to do and a short number of years to do them ... if we survive the last crazy day of fiesturri of course.
Good weekend, humanoids. See you on the other side
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Lil Nas X - Old Town Road (Lyrics) ft. Billy Ray Cyrus
uploaded by Shadowmusic @ youtube
OK it's not country, but it's got a certain something, and horses, and hats, and guitars and I have been singing it all day while preparing to take off on my very own metal horse tomorrow night.
Landing in a beautiful city far far away from the town of fire and mountain in little less than 24 hours.
what to do while Berlin sleeps? Dance. Of course.
*LU looks at her bed and shakes her head. Not tonight darling. Not for another 14 nights.
Sunday, 4 August 2019
The face of the old man after I gave him a smile. .
The kiss the cute gay boy gave to the other after the other helped him with the shopping
Finishing in the office.
But of all.. The best spell of warm sunshine I got that, my love, that.. was seeing you..
Ps/ Yes... The spell of warm sunshine is actually a real weather forecast in the uk, the only country in the world where the sun can be purely decorative.
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
I'd love to name the artist but I have no flipping idea of their identity sorry
when do you know you have reached adulthood?
When some nights you need a drink (one... only one...) in order to get any sleep
and then, the morning after, you feel as if you had drunk a pub dry.
Said that, things are looking up, literally: nearly time to fly!
Friday, 26 July 2019
Billie Eilish - bury a friend - Choreography by JoJo Gomez
Today I sang this song over and over and OVER in between calls, while reading job notes, hearing colleagues talk, having managers giving us orders, seeing commercial aircrafts pass by, enduring the hottest day of the year.
"Today I am thinking about...
things that are deadly"
it might have been hot but it also was the greyest day ever.
thank God is Friday.
ps - these kids can move, damn it
Saturday, 20 July 2019
picture "Witch takes a Bath" by:
How do I know i am a RL witch? Because every time I use the printer at work for a personal document it gets stuck, right after I walk 'the green mile' repeating to myself 'it's going to get stuck... It's going to get stuck'
Monday, 3 June 2019
Happy Birthday Lu!
Well OK. it was yesterday but hey.
that in the photo was the present Minime's boyfriend gave me, the best squeezy ever to release stress.
Today my alarm clock decided to give me a few hours extra sleep. Right now I should be at work but ... oh well.
I will be bashing my boss's head against the desk in a moment (the one in the photo of course). For now it's sunny.
Kind regards
Well OK. it was yesterday but hey.
that in the photo was the present Minime's boyfriend gave me, the best squeezy ever to release stress.
Today my alarm clock decided to give me a few hours extra sleep. Right now I should be at work but ... oh well.
I will be bashing my boss's head against the desk in a moment (the one in the photo of course). For now it's sunny.
Kind regards
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