Friday, 30 August 2019


Do you want to know what happens when your dog nearly dies after hours waiting for your breakdown assistance to turn up in a very hot country?
This happens, and I quote (the names are changed of course, except for "me". Please don't think us insensitive, in extremely stressful jobs such as emergency call centers it is quite common to slide into a comical conversation to try and mitigate the bad yuyus that arise sometimes) :

Sarita: "the guy had to perform CPR on the dog"

me: "Sorry ... the customer had to do CPR on their dog? how the heck do you do cpr on a dog?"

Fabian: "have you watched Something About Mary?"

Biggest Boss: "they didn't have to do cpr on the dog surely!!!  how do you do cpr on a dog???"

Fabian: "have you watched Something about Mary?"

me: "I don't remember anyone carrying out cpr on a dog in Something About Mary???"

BIGGEST BOSS: "they didn't do cpr... the dog is staying with family!"

Sarita: "the dog is staying with its family???"

BIGGEST BOSS: "No! it was the wife"

me: "the dog's wife had CPR done on her???"

Fabian: "just watch Something About Mary and you will see how CPR is done with a dog!"
of course right then we had to check on youtube and sure enough:
 It's Friday people!!!! have fun and for heaven's sake:
1/ don't travel with dogs around Europe in a car
2/ always take plenty of water and/or blankets in your cars if you do travel by car all over Europe
4/ if all else fails DO NOT CALL MY EXTENSION AT WORK, thank you very much <3

Wednesday, 28 August 2019


Back in the UK. 
and with the routine came back the washing up 
and with the washing up came the watching movies 
and with the first movie came the unpleasant realization that everyone screws everyone in French cinema
and with the realisation that everyone screws everyone in French cinema came the realization that everyone screws everyone everywhere 
and with the realization that everyone screws everyone everywhere came the realization that I am definitely an oddball. 

One universal secret has been obvious to me for decades: the grass is nearly never greener across the fence. in fact one's lawn gets greener the more one lies on it.

off to bed earthlings. happy dreaming.

Saturday, 24 August 2019


Uploaded by Herzath to YouTube

As they do the holidays are coming to an end with a bittersweet taste.
I haven't read a book, hardly written a line.  I guess I am still in suspended  animation.
I have laughed a lot though, kissed and hugged, slept eaten definitely drank - I guess ladies do drink when suspended in the air- danced and loved  a lot. I even swam all the way to Portugal and back - apparently... I don't remember much *blush* -
And what is letf? A beautiful grandmother mirror and an early flight.
A long list of things to do and a short number of years to do them ... if we survive the last crazy day of fiesturri of course.
Good weekend, humanoids. See you on the other side

Tuesday, 13 August 2019


Lil Nas X - Old Town Road (Lyrics) ft. Billy Ray Cyrus

uploaded by Shadowmusic @ youtube

 OK it's not country, but it's got a certain something, and horses, and hats, and guitars and I have been singing it all day while preparing to take off on my very own metal horse tomorrow night. 
Landing in a beautiful city far far away from the town of fire and mountain in  little less than 24 hours.  
what to do while Berlin sleeps? Dance. Of course.

*LU looks at her bed and shakes her head. Not tonight darling. Not for another  14 nights. 


Sunday, 4 August 2019


The face of the old man after I gave him a smile. .

The kiss the cute gay boy gave to the other after the other helped him with the shopping

Finishing in the office.

But of all.. The best spell of warm sunshine I got that,  my love, that.. was seeing you..

Ps/  Yes... The spell of warm sunshine is actually a real weather forecast in the uk,  the only country in the world where the sun can be purely decorative.