Sunday, 18 February 2024

MS DESIGNER AI concept art for a very modern version of the Don Quijote (oposite order to the story)


I really love the concept of this one, the traditional Korean clothes mixed with futuristic havoc in comic book design 

Spot the weirdness ;)  Sometimes our little AI friend doesn't know what to do with our body parts, ahem:

Or with our faces... 

Papa said Pincel (my AI artist friend) seems to have been inspired by the old Blade Runner for the city scenes. He is right.


Then I got totally carried away with my Donha Quijote's fantasies , in the style of 19th century's paintings :


I mean, seriously !!!!  


Like... what the !? had to make this one my laptop's background picture :


Like... a machine made this, for real O_o :


No, sadly this guy does not exist in Real LIfe, snifff  : 

Neither these two "naughties" :

Et Voila!  the beginning of my Donha Quijote, which feels a lot more real with the help of a little AI friend. All generated by MS DESIGNER

Happy week, humans. I will be off in the skies tomorrow so see you on our way back, if God and the Universe allows me back that is. I leave you with a Holiday song. Be Good, or not, BE HAPPY.

안녕 !! xx