Saturday, 17 February 2024


And so it was that LeeLoo met AI, not through text so much as through image. I needed some illustrations for inspiration for something I am writing and discovered all these apps online where you give an AI entity a few written clues and let IT work it out into a graphic design of sorts. You can suggest also the artist's style you would like it to copy, or the type of photography, light, colours, or anything that tickles your fancy.
The results were surprising.
At first, the machine seems to struggle, eyes, noses look weird, out of place sometimes, but soon it starts catching up and some hilarious exceptions, getting everything so right, and so beautiful it's scary. Let me show you.


So these are the images AI came up with when the only prompt as to the subject of the image wanted was "AI". Basically, what AI thinks of herself in images, or this particular AI playing with me that day : 


Surprised by the fact that they were all "female" shaped but didn't give it much thought. Then I asked it to make me an "Angry AI" and this is what it came up with : 

I asked for several angry AI images, but all were male. Curiously AI seems to be catching on modern narratives (female = good ; male = very bad). Bored with this I  just planted the word "LIES" and this is what it came up with : 


 Totally unexpected. Is it me or this is far too intricate for a machine to come up with? 

Then I just asked for images about the word "LOCKDOWN". These are the AI ideas about it: 

which made sense. But then THIS happened : 

O_o I mean... I leave it to you to brew it over O_o. Note: I seriously only asked for the words"LOCKDOWN, warm colours, oil painting"

The rest are all related to the story I am working on, I will upload them another time. These are enough for now.
One thing is for sure. The bloody thing is addictive.
I tried a few AI engines but my favorite for now is MS Designer. For now it's free, but considering it is a Microsoft product one has to wonder why and for how long. I suspect the why is because for now, we are teaching AI for free, so when it is proficient as f... and we are useless without it they will charge us an arm and a leg to use it. 

PS _ trying MS DESIGNER right now is probably a waste of time, during weekends it gets stuck as too many people are logged in. 


for now, 안녕!! 



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