Sunday, 21 July 2024

European adaptor ✓ > underwear ✓ > eye mascara ✓ > patience to go through customs before dusk .... ✓ > passport ✓

Ella Grace - I wonder

I go back home in summer after 4 years; a completely different human being. It is very likely I won't survive the temperatures when I can barely withstand 26 degrees in the UK these days. I hope I have time to give everyone a breath-taking hug before I pass out, at least. 

I had another song to say "hasta la vista, baby" but it was far too angry and this blog has seen too much of that. This one was another present from V (BTS), I can't wait for him to resume civil life and start sharing music again.

PS _ I had my first taste of real K-life, in the form of Soju (소주) its national alcoholic drink, I hated it :'( It has to be said I bought it in AMAZON so God only knows if it was indeed 소주 or pharmacy alcohol.) It reminded me a little of weak gin and I hate gin after I loved it too much for a whole night many many lives ago.

I have also bought what I need to prepare 김치 (kimchi) when I get back, lets hope that goes better. I will never be able to fish a kman without both 김치 or 소주.

PSS _ Oh yes, I am still at it with their language. I am taking computer etc to be able to attend to the lesson this Tuesday and study over there while Spaniards are working. <wiggles eyebrows>  I am beginning to grasp the little nuances of its grammar, exciting times.

PSSS _ they shot the ex president? his own men to make him look stronger? the enemies to get rid of him at last?  the special services that have gone even more incompetent than Boeing following the lets-see-who-can-be-less-competent trend? .. do you really still give a flying shit about the state of the world  and the ways in which they make us think of it? good luck with that my friend. I will continue to enjoy fiction for a little bit longer :) 

안녕!! <3 <3 

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