Wednesday, 21 August 2024



Little Pea took me to the cinema after work. We chose the new Alien movie. You were right, Little Boy, all the actors are pretty much in nappies. Somehow it's not the same without Ripley . 

The movie starts with a very 2001 vibe, in complete silence, in space, as it should. Unfortunately for me, my stomach decided to sing an opera just then; in a desperate attempt to suffocate its cries I dug my hand into the popcorn I was holding and shook it frantically to make the kernels rustle; Some noises are less embarrassing than others.

Suddenly, though, all noise-hell broke loose in the movie, nearly making me throw the huge bucket in the air. So strong it was in fact that the seats vibrated with it . I seriously thought it was one of those 3D theaters where the seating arrangement moves to give the illusion one is moving with the vehicles on the screen. 

What's the story, you ask? The gang of teen actors wants to escape their rotten mining community and to achieve this they fly to a decommissioned ship above it, only to find it's not a ship but a ... decommissioned spinning-top full of unpleasant surprises. 

In a true Alien-saga-spirit, the characters make always the most stupid choices including playing with their genetic code to "protect" them from something a lot less worrying ... mm.. 4 years ago I would have thought that to be the less realistic part of the movie. 

All in all, good fun. The actors, though babies and unknown, did a good job, and the aliens were freaking fantastic. Not much computer animation, thank you director!! But the best part... the company. Little Pea was loving and fun. There is nobody as wonderful as her in a good day. 

Now back to Kworld. I haven't managed to take the exam yet due to technical issues. Basically I ended up having to install Hangul  in my Windows as the exam software wouldn't let me use the virtual keyboard I have been using for Korean all this time. Call it a hand from the Universe so I could get some more studying done ;) 

안녕 <3 !!

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