Ruthy died after a motorcycle accident on her 19th birthday. She died in love, knew no heartbreak. She died doing what she adored, riding bikes. She enjoyed every second of every day as if it was her last. She hadn't reached the point of hating her mother. She had few but to-death friends, literally. She didn't sweat her t-shirt one day of her life to make another bitch rich. Neither did she make it to witness all this crazyness taking over. As she said— 'there are things worse than death, girl'.
PS - just outside the gates, as they were preparing to go in, they chuckled to one another and mocked the Yankees. Until they saw the bodies, they had thought it was all a conspiracy theory though that name hadn't been invented.
I climb into the shower with my mind still in the living room. I could write about that actually, is not bad, and probably not hard. The water pressure is so crap in this place, damn it. Dirty mouth, dirty mouth, stop swearing. Yes, that story... let's put some shower gel on the ... what was that idea again, the one one I wanted to write about? oh yeah! that's it.
Suddenly—what is that smell? mint? I didn't realise I had a minty shower gel. Oh damn! I've used the shampoo instead! Never mind. Go on Lu, you don't have all day. Let's clear all this lather, damn it, shampoo makes so much foam! Did I run out of shower gel? is that it? No! here it is, rose and almonds and God knows what else. Yes! the story—I damp my hair first— it's going to be great! what the heck? this shampoo doesn't make any foam! Oh...
and yes... all that —and then some—it's totally true. It happened to me but an hour ago. The good news is, I now have the cleanest hair in the land and the fresher skin!
the word "final" has a very bad name, but it's not always a bad thing.
My favourite "final"? FINAL DRAFT.
I finished the book yesterday YEEEEEHAHHHHHH—well, now off it goes to the beta readers and then one quick edit hopefully before sailing to every genre-appropriate agent out there and beyond!
As an anonymous wise man said, the meaning of "Conspiracy Theory" is getting closer and closer to that of "spoiler alert".
one year ago, Dr Mengele.... Fauci so sorry:
this month
and the most important in which we see how Dr Meng... Fauci, sorry—knowingly lied to us all and the scientific community about what he knew about the origins of the virus:
And what did Dr.... Fauci! have to say about it all?:
oh! no wrong lie, so sorry. It will do, same old same old.
Dancing in the Moonlight uploaded by KingHarvestMusic to Youtube
And in the sunshine, and in the river and in the restaurants and in the kitchen and in the living room and... yes... this Summer is certainly better than the last one.
I could have ended up in the bottom on the Miño when my companions decided to let me dive in this state
(thank you for such a faithful portrait, Dim. Did you place hidden cameras or something :P??)
((This post I wrote in August 2019. I never got to publish it. That summer I let my hair down in a way I hadn't done for at least 20 years. I didn't know why I just realised suddenly how precious and how delicate life is and didn't want to waste a single drop of it. The winter before I got this odd feeling something awful was about to happen. The hair at the back of my neck would stand without reason over and over. I had nearly forgotten about it when in January I started reading about a certain virus. No need to tell the rest of the story.
Now I understand what happened to me that summer. There is a possibility I will not see another summer like that one. Right now I sit in my flat on my third day of another holiday at home as I cannot risk being unpaid for weeks should anything go awry on my way back. Well, sitting... sitting... I have an hour to get ready before meeting some friends to go out while the "antivaxers" (how these fuckers love labels, my goodness, if life was that simple...) are allowed in public places.
Enjoy the new "abnormal", I am very much afraid it is here to stay. Apparently, they are now trying PCR-like tests for influenza—Happy-ish summer folks))
Since I was little, I wondered how the Germans during WWII—those who weren't involved— had allowed for it to happen and how they coped with the knowledge.
Unfortunately, now I know, this is how it went, and this is how it's going:
1/ they couldn't do shit about it because the more they tried, the more the other Germans thought they were insane. How can anyone believe such stories, right?
2/ they didn't cope. When in public, they pretended, that was all. But when they got the chance, they got together with others like them. They talked in whispers; they felt relieved knowing at least they hadn't lost it. But above all, they cried. They cried together; they cried alone. And they probably prayed for a miracle.
one of the useless.
PS - I cannot post a copy of this full movie in English because it's been taken down everywhere for offering misinformation. Goebbels would have been proud.
Dr. Robert Malone is the real inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology not that red hair shadow of a woman you have been presented with. You won't find any real information about him on mainstraim media or mainstream online anymore because he was cancelled when he started QUESTIONING the mainstream narrative, but what they cannot cancel is the 14 patterns at least with his name on them—and the fact that he worked in vaccine devolpment his hole carreer and that he has been injected with the thing himself - hardly an antivaxer.
Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines, unfortunately he is so heated with this all he didn't let the scientists talk prudently, but I understand him, I lose it when I try to talk about this too. A shame though
Bret talks to Robert and Steve about the pandemic, treatment and the COVID vaccines.
Steve's paper on COVID vaccine reactions:
Steve's Twitter:
COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund:
Dr. Malone's website:
Robert's LinkedIn profile:
Robert's Twitter:
Find Bret Weinstein on Twitter: @BretWeinstein, and on Patreon.
((Professor Weinstein is a Dr on evolutionary biology))
It is a miracle this glorious conversation has made it so many hours online, hence I will post it without further delay:
"What this is, is more evidence of a gravitational force from an object we cannot see"
or what you get when a real scientist (Evolutionary biologist) and a real Doctor (Frontliner Pierre Kory) are allowed to maintain a real conversation (as opposed to dogmatic bullshit) during the Covid new abnormality.
a bit of background :
((and of course the ministry of truth got rid of the video))
. Because it's not good for us to find out that there are perfectly safe medicines, safer than aspirin anyway, that —taken early—protect us against COVID. there are doctors fighting with all they got for these to be used extensively, and that your doctor will not tell you because these meds don't make his practice, his pocket or big pharma any money anymore, and because he will very likely lose his job. Stay healthy, don't vaccinate your young they can't make an informed decision and will not be harmed by COVID 19, but you have no way of knowing what the long term effects of the injection will be for them. It really is that simple))
If you don't see the difference between your prince waking you up with a kiss and your prince kissing you without consent in the morning you are going to fit the new normality like a glove.
"From humanity, inevitably, we end up caring for just one being."
From "Hojas de Madrid" by Umbral.
"... unless one has learned anything at all about the world we live in."
From Life by Lulu.
But how amazing, what Umbral does with words. A freaking matador in the world of literature - though he clearly liked his own voice a "tad" too much - .
Something good: My lovely printer has forgotten she ran out of ink a year ago. Or - perhaps - she too has a problem following the dictates of our corporations.